Wednesday, June 26, 2013


So the great state of Texas just passed an "anti-abortion" bill. Some people might call that anti-choice, because while you may attach pro-choice with abortions, it's also a choice. So in a way if you are Pro-Life, you're Anti-Choice, because in these societal beliefs Pro-Choice is Anti-Life. Which is just silly, I haven't met very many Pro-Life, Pro-Choice people. In fact many Pro-Life people seem to celebrate and support War. Which is also confusing to me. Why can't you be Pro-Life, and still support a woman's (or hell anyone's) right to choose?
I'm curious now with Texas passing this bill, how long it'll stay into effect, and if unwanted pregnancies will rise, including Teen ones. With Texas also supporting the modified "History" book and a 30-ish% obesity rate I'm excited to see where things go from here. I mean it can't be all bad. I bet back alley abortions and medical issues arising from this will exponentially rise. Because humans will still have sex, and sex sometimes results in babies. Sometimes the people in that situation are not ready for the MASSIVE responsibility to have a baby. Even thought we have a culture were 16 and Pregnant is a entertainment program, people are still woefully under prepared. Let's hope a stronger health care for the wee peons can get into play to help all those unwanted pregnancies and the damage that will be done to their bodies with the dark alley "clinics" that may very well arise. Maybe not, maybe the good people of Texas will house secret sanitary, and very well equipped clinics.
Here's to the future and the past! Doesn't this kind of contradict Roe v. Wade?

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