Wednesday, November 28, 2012


Don't own the rights (darn). Giving props to some Kpop: G Dragon

July 7th is a marathon in Queensland.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012


I don't own the rights to this video or song, but enjoy some Orca MJ power:

also please keep in mind:

I do not own the rights to either song. But powerful none the less.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Tits, remembrance, and unrepenting

I choose to live. Beyond these shackles. I walked the distance. Now, all that's left is for me to grab the reigns. To move beyond the muck that dredges so slowly. This is so vague, because that's the way I speak, but if you know. Then there is something directed at you. Whether it's a lack of communication, a betrayal, but how deep do these things go. How deep do you need to dig, and to find that it's only a shallow complaint. Such is the way of the world. And merely can do, without. This tax, this one thousand percent. The converse diverges from the main story, and now I lie within the deep blue of a midnight sky. So majestic and still, as the lights speed by in an endless row. My voice is found silent. Yours less than calm. There was a kitten. There was a dart. There was a magic endless moment. There was my heart. There was my innocence, and in the end, it was all temporary. Now it comes back to a beginning, an ending, and always there is the music. There is an endless row. A wash, rinse, cycle, repeat, cycle, and move. With only tears of sweat to drive me forward. To drive us all.

Saturday, November 17, 2012


Everybody, go round 3.
Apparently men and women can't be friends. So says "SCIENCE!".

Just in case you missed it.

Citizens in the United States want their states to secede from the Union. Other citizens want those citizens to be stripped of their citizenship and sent packing. Oh "first world" problems. Good thing climate change only affects the "third world" eh? Too bad no one told them the Sixth World is here.


Tis the season.
The blackness begins now in the twilight hour. The witching begins. Anew, and begins again.
Round that circle.
Make it drop.
Fuck it.