Friday, November 30, 2018

An Idea Outline

As a long time X-Men fan since the late 80s early 90s. I greatly enjoyed seeing the mutant heroes from Marvel show up on the big screen in Bryan Singer's X-Men in 2000. I also enjoyed X2 in a different way from X-Men, but felt "X-Men: The Last Stand" (aka the third movie in the trilogy) was missing a beat (or two) despite all the time, effort, and money that was spent on that project. Same for "X-Men Origins: Wolverine". I enjoyed "X-Men: First Class", and "Days of Future Past". But again thought some beats were missed in "The Wolverine" (although thumbs up to Ninja/Japan Wolvie adventures), Apocalypse (strong outing, but not quite as much as First Class or Days of Future Past), and lastly (I know this isn't the consensus/popular opinion, but....) Logan. I'm going to try and just stick to the X-Men Cinematic Universe (movies), instead of looking at Legion or the mid-90's television movie Generation X. Oh and thumbs up Ryan Reynolds and the creative team's behind Deadpool/2/Once Upon a Deadpool.
Secondly, this may be a silly exercise since Marvel looks like they're going to be able to bring the X-Men (and Fantastic Four) into the fold, and team them up with the other heroes in the MCU. "People" have been clamoring for Avengers vs X-Men, despite it's relatively recent standing in the Marvel mythos. I'd rather see the Marvel heroes dealing with the Mutant Right's, or Mutant Crimes against Humanity (Magneto vs. the Avengers) (Red Skull doing something shady with the Mutants (not necessarily Axis or taking Xavier's brain etc, just really hitting home that Red Skull is a terrifying nazi and that mutants are often seen as "lesser" or a threat to perfection/greater humanity), which might be difficult given that Days of Future Past was released, only a few years prior.
Anywho, a friend of mine challenged me years ago since I wasn't a fan of X-Men: The Last Stand, to set my own narrative. That's the point of this exercise. So I want to lead off with my revisioning of the X-Men cinematic universe starting from "X2: X-Men United"

X3: The Mutant Curse - We start with the X-Men picking up the pieces of Jean Grey's unbelievable sacrifice and death to save the team from a near fatal explosion/watery grave (despite Iceman and Storm being onboard). The team as a whole feels guilty. As they all feel some responsibility around being unable to save her/themselves.

The three worst are Wolverine, Professor X, and of course Cyclops. Wolverine feels responsible because his history had something to do with her death, and some guilt because of his forbidden love for her. Professor X because he had a fondness for Jean like a daughter he never had, and that Cerebro/his own powers nearly wiped out humanity that led to her death, and nearly the death of all mutants/humans. For Cyclops it is the worst as he was mind controlled and attacked Jean, and now he's being visited by psychic visions/memories of Jean that implies that their love was far deeper than previously let on and she might still be alive.

So the mood around the mansion is tense and dark. We're introduced to Hank McCoy back in the mansion after some time apart to offer condolences, and help beef up mansion security. Despite Cyclops being on edge and being off decides the team needs more practice to avoid any future problems like they had at Alkali lake, Xavier and Wolverine express misgivings, Wolverine acting as a voice of reason, Cyclops shoots daggers at them suggesting they're to blame just as much if not more than anyone else. Wolverines claims Cyclops is being unfair, but before it can go any further, Cyclops cuts him off and says if he can't be a team player when the team needs him, then they don't really need him.
Wolverine stunned by Cyclops begins to turn and leave, but Storm steps in diffusing the situation. Going into the Danger Room, the team (consisting of Rogue, Nightcrawler, Storm, Cyclops, Iceman, Shadowcat, Colossus, and Wolverine) start the training off with simple enough combat and team building against environmental. Cyclops presses Xavier to amp up the difficulty, and this is where we first see a Sentinel. Cyclops knocks off the head without hesitation. 
Colossus has to save Shadowcat who's distracted by an environmental danger. Nightcrawler saves Rogue. And Iceman and Storm save themselves. Wolverine doesn't see the danger that Cyclops has put the team in, but looks over at the destruction and sees Cyclops calling for more.
At first he's impressed, but when three sentinels come out of the shadows, and Cyclops again obliterates them with a single blast, (a nice call out to the animated series intro) and this time the team again has to dodge sentinel debris instead of the other dangers in the room, causing injury. 
He calls out Cyclops for not even attempting teamwork, and instead putting everyone in danger. Cyclops then calls Wolverine out, and this time it's Nightcrawler who tries to intervene as Storm is injured (a call out the time that Wolverine attacked Crawler in the danger room plus showcasing his potential to be a leader). Cyclops blasts Crawler out of the way, and ducks Wolverine's punch optic blasting him back. 
Wolverine then pops his claws and blocks the optic beams starting to approach Cyclops. The rage blast from Scott intensifies, until Iceman lobs a snowball at Cyclops. Angry at this he wheels around and starts to aim in on Iceman, but realizes what he's about to do (as Bobby had merely thrown a snowball at him). Wolverine tackles him, and pins him down, telling him to calm down.
Cyclops glares through his visor, but takes the advice claiming he's fine and to let him up. Cyclops getting up, looks around mutters an apology and walks out of the Danger Room. Wolverine glares up at the viewing window to say that Xavier messed up by letting the session get out of hand. The injured X-Men are taking to the infirmary to patch up their bruises and sprains.

As they're recovering they hear news that a Dr. Rao who has developed a “cure” for the mutant gene. Hank McCoy stating, that he personally knows Dr. Rao, is surprised by this development as last he had discussed with her she was working on diseases and this is a curveball. He believes Dr. Rao means well, but is misguided. He'd like to visit Dr. Rao, with Charles Xavier to see the progress of her work. They also send Nightcrawler (in disguise (thanks to Beast)), Rogue, and Iceman to investigate more about the backing that Dr. Rao has been receiving support and funding from a group called the Friends of Humanity and Worthington Industries. Storm contacts Warren Worthington III (we meet a slightly older Angel similar in age to Hank McCoy), to his surprise he also had no idea that his company was funding such a research project, and he promises that he'll assist the X-Men in at least pulling Worthington Industries funding from the project.

The three younger/disguised X-Men investigating the F.o.H. find that they're a cover group for a mutant hate group and their leader Graydon Creed had been in support of Senator Kelly's mutant registration act. These X-Men are discovered by F.o.H. members as they realize they're not in support of the group's motives. Iceman, Rogue, and Crawler put up a fight, but they're outnumbered and Bobby and Rogue are hit with mutant nullifying darts. Crawler manages to dodge these attacks and escape, but in the process he watches Iceman and Rogue get beat and captured.

Just as Crawler is returning home to Storm, bruised and tired from the fight. He passes out. Storm contacts Professor X letting him know that something went wrong. The Professor can't focus on it at the moment, but lets Cyclops and Wolverine know that the undercover missions failed. The two of them still angry at one another, but Wolverine lets Cyclops know that Jean's death wasn't anyone's fault. And that she wouldn't want her sacrifice to go in vain, or that anyone should have to suffer because they can't get their emotions in check. It sobers Cyclops up, but he's still not ready. Shadowcat offers to go in his place. Colossus has his reservations, as does Wolverine, but she assures them she's ready. Besides she, besides Nightcrawler is the best to get in and out of a place undetected. Colossus wants to go with them to protect her, but Wolverine and Kitty say he's not really suited for a stealth mission.

Charles and Hank are meeting with Dr. Rao, and she introduces them to a young child in a room who has green skin, no nose, and strange bumps on his head. The two mutants look at each other with concern. This medical facility seems legit for medical research and scientific breakthroughs, but the mutant sections has some red flags. 
Dr. Rao assures them that the young boy James is well cared for, including that he was rescued from the sewers. McCoy expresses his concerns about what this cure could potentially lead too, but Rao says the goal isn't the extermination of mutants, but to help those with mutations that are dangerous or uncontrollable. As they're sitting there, though Xavier and Beast realize that they're mutant powers aren't working as well as normal ever since they've gotten within close proximity to this young boy.
They ask to meet with the boy directly, and going in to the room they're hit with a distinct loss of their powers, displayed by the fact that Charles can't read anyone's mind and Beast feels sluggish, his fur has receded and he looks more human, despite still retaining his blue skin/other bestial features. Dr. Rao explains that James, who calls himself Leech, and that he can canceling other nearby mutant abilities. Pleasantries are exchanged and the two X-Men feel that Dr. Rao is genuine in her scientific research and that the boy is in no immediate danger.
As if on cue from leaving the room, they're assaulted by a group of mercenaries wearing F.o.H. badges, claiming that they're (Hank and Charles) are mutant terrorists here to destroy the work they've been doing as their foundation headquarters were already attacked by three other mutants. With their mutant powers not working at full capacity, being ambushed, they make relatively easy prey for the F.o.H. mercenaries. Beast actually puts up a bit of a fight, but Charles is fairly easy and is used against him. Dr. Rao's pleads with the mercenaries that Beast and Professor X aren't enemies are dangerous, but it falls on deaf ears. Roughed up,  tranquilized, and whisked away. We see Dr. Rao start to understand what Beast was suggesting as potential dangers to developing a “cure”. She begins to back up and modify her data, planning to torch the lab, but she can't act right away because of an increased security presence.

Wolverine and Shadowcat make their way to where Iceman and Rogue were last seen. On the way he tells Shadowcat to follow his every command or this mission is over, and he'll have Colossus come and  pick her up. They easily sneak in undetected (yay for showing off Wolvie's ninja training). And find out after a while, that the F.o.H. is planning a bigger strike, not sure what the end game is, but they're unable to find Iceman and Rogue. Shadowcat says she can find more information on their computers given time, but Wolverine is uncomfortable staying much longer as the security is getting ramped up for reasons unknown.
She begins checking through various files, when they're discovered, Kitty tells Wolverine to hold them off she only needs a bit more time to find out what they've planned. Wolverine has to fight off with some success increasing waves of security guards. It isn't until they tase him, and overwhelm him that Shadowcat is able to find out their plans. Downloading the information she escapes through the floor in the process. She makes it back to the X-Mansion with news that Wolverine has also been captured.

Now the team is down to Nightcrawler, Storm, Colossus, Shadowcat, and Cyclops. They need a leader, but Cyclops isn't up to the task worried that something might go wrong again because they're walking into a similar situation that led to Jean's death. But Storm takes the reins, talking sense into Cyclops. It wasn't his fault, this time it'll be different. He tells her she must lead, because he's still not sure, but he'll be there for them. Because their family is being threatened. 
Shadowcat informs them that the F.o.H. are shipping mutants, they've been tracking in the sewers of New York City, to a third world island nation named Genosha, as well as ramp up production of the mutant cure and to weaponize it. Nightcrawler warns that in small quantities they've already managed to weaponize it. Realizing the similar dangers they faced at Alkali Lake, they bring out new (closer to the comic) uniforms, showcasing their heroic nature, but also that they're better armored against weapons like tranq darts. They all thank Hank McCoy for cranking out inventions and having foresight.

They make their assault with Storm as leader on the holding and processing center. Rescuing the other Rogue and Wolverine. They miss Iceman and Professor X as they had been shipped out almost immediately for some reason, with a group of other mutants. Rogue and Wolverine were set to be sent to a different facility. In the process the X-Men bust up weapon manufacturing. Wolverine thanks Cyclops personally, but is told that it was Storm that led the team and saved the day.

After getting back home and getting the rescued mutants back up to speed/health. They find out that a group of mutants led by Charles Xavier claiming to be X-Men have attacked a rally for a Senator who supports a new Mutant Registration Act. Warren pays a visit to the Mansion to let them know that he shut down Worthington Industries involvement, but that the involvement was done through an unknown subsidiary called Essex Industries. He'll have to look deeper into it later, but for now the funding has been stopped.

The final climax is the rescue mission to Genosha. Arriving at what they hope is the holding area for Charles. They're surprised to find that it's a prison work camp for mutants, and it's guarded by a host of Sentinels. They battle on the island, in and out of the prison grounds. Shadowcat manages to free the prisoners, many of who are disfigured mutants, but there's a handsome young man, with unsettling red and black eyes who says his name is Remy and he can help them. She's taken aback by his roguish charm. With reinforcements, the full X-team and other random mutants now fighting the Sentinels, they're able to push back against the machines. The tide is turns against them. With X-Men and co getting gunned down/tasered. Remy and Shadowcat make their way into a control room, and find a scientist there. Remy threatens him with his energy power, but it's Shadowcat who fries all of the system's computers. Which malfunctions the Sentinels, making them easier to handle and escape from. With Remy knowing the prison inside and out, they're easily able to do. As they reach the Blackbird, they realize they don't have enough room for everyone.

Remy says that this isn't the only complex on the island, it's far large of a system than they realize, but those escaping mutants the X-Men can't take, he can help. Returning back to New York and their mansion, Dr. Rao is waiting for them with Leech, and the X-Men have to defend her against the sewer mutants, who think she's with the F.o.H. After the half misunderstanding is settled, The X-Men offer the other mutants a place to stay, but they refuse saying that they must return home to the sewers. Leech is one of them, and is thrilled to be rejoined with his family of misfit mutants. A middle aged woman with an eye patch that actually helped them fight some of the Sentinels, who says they're grateful to the X-Men, but they have a family of their own, she calls them the Morlocks, and she half-threatens the X-Men that not all mutants are beautiful like them. She gives a nod of respect to Storm as they leave.

Happy to have everyone back together the X-Men have concerns of how Genosha could have gone undetected. They theorize it has something to do with the collars that the prisoners wore, that negated their powers while in the prison camp.
Warren says he has business to attend too, but that they can call on him anytime they're in need. He realizes he has to do more as a mutant, and not just as a businessman. Hank decides to stay on, and help the X-Men from a science/tech perspective. Bettering Cerebro, mansion security, costumes, and the Danger Room.

As the movie ends we cut back to Genosha and the factory/prison that the X-Men half destroyed. The machines have come back to life in self-automation. Which begins repairing the destroyed or damaged sentinels and the prison. 
A final scene shows Remy meeting some shadowy benefactor in a church in New Orleans. Who says he has one more job for him to do. Remy threatens him after having surviving in and managing to escape Genosha, but something about the shadow man's blood red eyes and tone stop him cold. 
Changing tactics Remy tries to escape their agreement acting tough and leaving the church. The man offers vague promises about the job being a simple job of leading his team of mercenaries through a maze. No more no less. Remy is still unimpressed, he opens the church doors and begins to leave.
The man offers, “Are you sure the greatest thief, isn't capable of such a job? It'd be a shame if members of the Boudreax family were to know you were alive, especially the divine Belladonna.” The movie ends with an outershot of the church, unable to see Remy's reaction, but the doors closing.

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