Saturday, December 21, 2013

Requiem's Run: Chapter Thirteen


     Entertainment looked over at Mr. Popular as they walked down the street. “Let’s just get this out of the way, so we can sit back and enjoy a couple of beers,” Entertainment spoke jovially. Mr. Popular’s response was to eye Entertainment with a level of suspicion. They hadn’t been on friendly terms since the Panda, and Mr. Popular wasn’t sure he was ready to forgive her.
     “Shouldn’t we be focused on accomplishing the mission?” Mr. Popular asked with true sincerity. Entertainment stopped in her walk to look at Mr. Popular. “Yes, but I’m saying let’s get this over and done with so we can kick back.” He looked back at her and for a moment they paused on the sidewalk, he gave her a nod and a smile.
     “Let’s see where this guy lives.” Entertainment said as she removed the pocket secretary from her small back pack. After a minute of sifting through the information in the small device Entertainment spoke, “Well that’s a block from where we are now. What’re the odds?”
Mr. Popular begin to speak up to answer her question, but Entertainment stopped him. “It was rhetorical.” Too which Mr. Popular still looked confused, but decided not to push the issue. He was more concerned with completing the mission that the others had assigned him. He gave a small nod to Entertainment in response, even though he was still confused.
They walked up to the front door of the apartment building and looked at the apartment listings. “Blatche, C, 4E.” They checked the other name listings and saw that it was the only C, Blatche. “This has to be our guy,” Entertainment said looking up from the listings tapping the name of 4E.
“What is the plan?” Mr. Popular asked looking around for something to use, but found nothing. Entertainment looked around as well, but couldn’t find much of anything. “We could always use the census questionnaire.” Entertainment suggested, with hope, it was her favorite way of getting into people’s lives.
“Well neither one of us really looks the part, but perhaps I could be a representative from a Corp. looking to hire him?” Mr. Popular grinned at his creative suggestion. Entertainment’s face lit up at the suggestion, it wasn’t the Census idea, but it could still work.
“I think I’ll try the back door though, maybe I can get us in if your plan doesn’t work.” Entertainment gave him a nod, and headed to the alleys to look for a fire escape or a back door entrance. Entertainment didn’t have to look long, and found relief in a fire escape. She made the jump onto the escape in a graceful leap off the building’s wall. Swinging herself up onto the escape was an easy move, and she began her basic climb upward.
Entertainment glanced in the windows as she climbed, and found that they looked into the apartment buildings hallway. She was disappointed that they didn’t look into the individual apartments, but then she wouldn’t have been able to tell which apartment was Christian’s.
She quickly made her way down the fire escape. She knew Mr. Popular was probably already on his way up to the guy’s apartment, and she had little time to investigate elsewhere. She was hoping for a back entrance now to the apartment building. Something I can use to get to a back door of this guy’s apartment, she thought.
Making her way around the building this time looking for a back entrance, she had only taken the time to look for a fire escape and found one on her first go. Finding the fire escape she had not really given another thought to looking anywhere else.
Her quick search didn’t result in anything more than finding more building. She didn’t see any other way into the building besides the front door, the fire escape, or a random window. She opted out for her first choice heading back to the alley she had started in, and went back to ascending the building.

Mr. Popular looked over the listings again just to make sure they had picked out the right apartment. 4E was the only choice he could see, and rang the buzzer on the small intercom. The apartment building was low income from what Mr. Popular could tell, and had little in the way of “security”. No visual display on the intercom was a bonus in Mr. Popular’s mind, and the locks didn’t look like they could keep an angry elf out.
After a moment a crackling voice came through the speaker, “Hello?” Mr. Popular pressed the speaking button, “Yes, I’m looking for Mr. Christian Blatche.” Mr. Popular did his best to sound professional despite the given circumstances.
The crackling voice responded, “May I ask, who is looking for him?” Mr. Popular had expected them to be a little cautious everyone was this day in age. “Yes, my name is Mr. Takeuchi. I am a representative of Mitsuhama Computer Technologies, and we’re interested with Mr. Blatche’s work.”
“Hold a minute Mr. Takeuchi, I’ll let you in.” The crackling voice responded briefly. Mr. Popular could hear the excitement in the man’s voice despite the intercom systems lack of maintenance.
The buzzer rang indicating the locks on the door opening and allowing him entry. Grabbing the door handle and pulling open the door. He walked into the building’s drab entering hallway. Mr. Popular glanced around and noted the single elevator design, and opted to take the stairs. It would allow him some small amount of time to plan for his meeting with Mr. Christian Blatche. Mr. Popular hoped, while he climbed the stairs that Entertainment was having as good of luck as he was.
Reaching the fourth floor, Mr. Popular disembarked from the stairwell and pushed through the fourth floor door allowing him access to the floor. He looked to either side of him as he entered a hallway. Not immediately seeing a door, or sign, indicating which apartment was the one he was looking for. He chose to look to his left first. The hallway was long, managed to loop behind the door he had come out of. He had taken note that each floor had eight apartments to it, so he wasn’t sure where apartment ‘E’ would be.
The first door he came to was apartment ‘D’ to his right. This being his first indicator he wasn’t sure which direction the building was going. The hallway ended in front of him with only one other apartment. He noticed that another hallway took off from his left and only had two more doors. He only investigated the final door in the hallway and saw that he had found ‘C’. Letting out a small sigh, Mr. Popular turned around and headed back for the stairwell door, and apartment ‘E’.
Mr. Popular rounded the corner and found the same setup with apartment ‘E’ the first door on his left. He collected his thoughts, and took the time to breath deep. He hoped that Entertainment was nearby and ready to move if needed.
Mr. Popular straightened out his suit, and knocked gently but firmly on the plain wooden door of 4E. “Just a moment,” the same voice from the intercom spoke from behind the door. Mr. Popular waited patiently at the door carefully running over the plan in his head to discuss with Mr. Blatche. He knew that with the limited knowledge that he had about Blatche’s actual work, to keep his end of the conversation brief.
  Mr. Popular heard something strange on the other side of the door, and leaned forward to listen better. Suddenly a gunshot registered on the other side of the door. Mr. Popular thought he had heard a gun cocking, and was confused by it. His reaction time was barely enough to move him out of the way of the bullets ripping through the door.
Pressing his back against the wall next to the door and sliding down to the floor, he noticed that a hole had been punched through his jacket left arm. He pulled his Predator out as a precaution, but felt confident that he wouldn’t have to use it.
“I’ve been warned about you coming here Mr. ‘Takeuchi’, if that is even your real name.” The voice from behind the door was clearer now coming from the small bullet holes.
“Warned? Mr. Blatche, I’m a representative of Mitsuhama and want to talk to you about your previous work.” Mr. Popular kept his cool and talked calmly to the nervous voice beyond the door. Three more shots came through the door as a response.
“You’re not making this easier on yourself, Mr. Blatche.” Mr. Popular was growing impatient and was beginning to wonder where Entertainment was. Mr. Popular thought he could hear a whimper come from inside the apartment, and he let out a small grin. If Entertainment would get here, Mr. Popular had this guy on the ropes.
Several more shots bore through the door and buried themselves in the adjacent wall. Mr. Popular casually moved his head to the side, away from the door every time more bullets came flying through the door. Soon he knew that the nervous guy on the other side of the door would be out of ammo. It would be at that moment that he would make his move.

Entertainment was on the fire escape inspecting the window, and the best way to enter the building. She felt foolish standing out on the escape trying to get in. Especially when she could have entered the front door with Popular and been at the same place in the hallway. No backdoor secret attack to go through. She was about ready to give up when three distinct shots rang out from the apartment building. 
  He’s having fun without me?! Entertainment’s thoughts raged through her mind and with little thought she came busting through the window in time for several more shots to ring out. Quickly rolling to her feet with glass flying everywhere from her direction she took off running down the hallway towards the noises.
Rounding the corner she found Mr. Popular sitting with his Predator out in front of him. She drew out her own pistol and walked slowly up to him. Giving him a nod, she bent down and whispered, “Negotiations getting all fragged on you?”
Mr. Popular glared at her, and quietly told her that the guy inside was almost out of bullets. Several more shots came through the door, but also now above them in the wall. “I hear you whispering!!” The man’s strained voice screamed in fear. Entertainment looked up and grinned at Mr. Popular. “Time to take some action, Popular.” Entertainment spoke softly, but seriously.
 “Hoi, Christian, we just want to talk to you.” Entertainment said calmly to the man on the other side of the apartment wall. “That way no one gets hurt, everyone wins. We get what we’re looking for, and you get left alone.” Entertainment remained calm and collected trying to talk the man down out of his panic. Mr. Popular was surprised to see Entertainment acting so professionally.
“Is that what you told my colleagues?! You fraggin’ murderers!!” The man’s voice was hysterical. Entertainment knew what he was talking about, and had hope he didn’t know about them. Her group wasn’t responsible for their deaths, but it was most likely the work of another Runner or runner group.
“That wasn’t us, we’re from a different employer. Besides if that was the case, don’t you think you’d already be gone?” Entertainment was interrupted by three more shots grazing just above Mr. Popular’s head. “Well that wasn’t very polite,” Entertainment said partially strained, but she was trying to jest at the situation. “As I was saying, there are only two of us out here, and-“ her voice was cutoff, but this time by the man’s hysterical screaming.
“Shut up, shut up, shut up! I don’t care what you think, or what you want! Just go away!” His voice was followed by several more shots, each time getting dangerously closer.
“Alright, fine.” Entertainment said just loud enough under her breath for Mr. Popular to hear. She gave him a slight nod, and made a rolling somersault role to their left passing the door. Mr. Popular gave her cover fire just in time, registering her actions before the guy in the apartment could react.
Only a scream was let out from inside the apartment, and Mr. Popular looked confused at Entertainment. She wasn’t confused. She knew that Popular had gotten a lucky shot on this guy, and he had caught sight of his own blood. Quickly moving Entertainment rose from the floor and moved into the apartment ramming the door down in one fell swoop. Recovering in one fluid motion off the door, Entertainment brought her gun up aiming it about the apartment.
It took her a minute to find Christian Blatche clutching his arm on the floor behind his sofa. Blood splattered the floor beneath him. Aiming her gun on him, she noticed that the apartment looked as though a fight had already taken place inside. The small couch had stuffing coming out of it from the bullet holes Mr. Popular had punched into it, but the rest of the apartment was completely trashed.
“Not very tidy, are we Mr. Blatche?” Entertainment leaned down lightly tapping him with her pistol. Through gritted teeth from obvious pain Mr. Blatche retorted, “Go frag yourself, drekhead.”
Entertainment feigned surprise, “My my, what language we have.” Shoving her gun into his face in response, his breathing already labored began to increase as he stared down her barrel.
“What do you want?” He breathed through strands of salvia. Entertainment looked down at him and smiled, “That’s much better, Mr. Blatche.” Popular came into the apartment and glanced around. He could see Entertainment’s wigged head poking up from behind the sofa. Walking around the sofa he found Entertainment pinning Christian Blatche to the floor.
To Mr. Popular’s surprise Entertainment looked up and told him this wasn’t Byte. Looking back down Entertainment pressed the gun into the pale man and asked, “But I bet you know where can we find him?”
The man stammered and tears began to form in his eyes, “I don’t know,” his voice quivering. Entertainment looked up at Mr. Popular and grinned mischievously, “I’m not sure I believe that do you, Popular?”
Mr. Popular kept a serious face, and replied in Japanese, “I think he’s lying.” Entertainment smiled and nodded responding in English, “I agree Mr. Popular. If we torture him he’ll tell us where we can find this Byte character.”
Mr. Popular looked at Entertainment who was glaring at the wide-eyed man on the floor. The man sat with utter terror on his face and was speechless. Sweat, tears, and blood were streaming out of him and he continued to get paler.
“But I don’t know anything about Byte,” He managed to eke out in disbelief. Entertainment smiled maliciously down at him, “Oh really? Well why don’t you tell us what you do know.” She finished by pulling out a small knife from her hip and ran the flat of the blade along his thigh.
Whimpering the man told them about a project he had been working on with five other specialists for Ares Macrotechnologies. Some type of proto-cyberdeck, and had sense been let go after they deemed the project worthless. The group had been given all secret identities, and put up by Ares. Since that time he had been warned about Shadowrunners coming for him by someone claiming to be Benjamin.
“Ben was my name while I worked on the project; afterwards I was given Christian Blatche by one of their computer people. Listen I’m just a engineer and really don’t know anything.” The man had slightly calmed down in telling the story, but fear still rang in his every subtly.
Mr. Popular didn’t even flinch when he pulled the trigger. He knew the man was lying, and knew they weren’t ever going to get it out of him. Besides he couldn’t have a witness testifying to the authorities.
Entertainment looked up at him mouth wide and confusion in her eyes. “What the hell was that for?!” Anger in her voice, because not only did she now have blood splatters covering her outfit but now they had to dispose of a dead body.
“We couldn’t risk him alerting the authorities, or reporting us.” Mr. Popular calmly stated looking directly at Entertainment. “Now come on, and help me hide him,” again Mr. Popular’s voice calm and direct.
“Hide him?!” Entertainment was a little more panicked, “We’ve got to get out of here, no time to hide him.” She was right. Their little gunfight had probably already alerted authorities and it was time to get out. Mr. Popular looked at his gun and began wiping it down with the dead man’s own clothing. Just for good measure he had the dead guy grab the gun. Taking the gun next to the man on the floor he walked over to the nearest window. Opening the window and wiping off the prints of the gun in his hand he tossed it out the window.
“Let’s go,” Mr. Popular said looking at Entertainment. She gave him a nod, and the two of them left the apartment in a hurry knocking over a few more things in the living room. “Hopefully they’ll think it was a failed robbery,” Entertainment said to Mr. Popular as they walked down the stairs.
Exiting the building they had beaten the local authorities and the Star. Breathing a small sigh of relief the odd couple walked hurriedly down the street; trying to put as much distance in between them and the apartment building as quick as possible.
After feeling a safe distance away from the building Entertainment pulled out Mr. Popular’s pocket secretary and dialed Falchion. She explained to him that the first name was a “dead end”, which at this point was only marginally funny to her, and that they were on their way to investigate the second name.
He responded in a cheerful manner and told them that they were the first to check in and to call back when they had followed up on the second name. She had tried to keep up a positive sounding voice while talking to him and it seemed to work, but she couldn’t help feeling that Falchion knew something was up. It was his nature, just one more facet to his beautiful demeanor.
Hanging up with Falchion she felt a sense of dread turning to Mr. Popular. “Let’s get something to eat, and form some sort of plan for the next guy.” Mr. Popular took the suggestion lightly and agreed. The two of them found a small Stuffer Shack after a few minutes of walking and chose it for lack of anything else.
Entertainment made her way to a booth and sat down. Mr. Popular stood and stared at her. Giving him a nod, he gave in and joined her in the booth. “I just want to sit for a moment and eat, nothing major. Plus it’ll give us some privacy.” Entertainment spoke politely, something Mr. Popular still wasn’t fully used too. “Very well, let us get something small and then be on our way.” Mr. Popular looked at her, and began to feel more relaxed in her presence.
A portly woman came over dressed in a server’s outfit with frilly apron covering her uniform from food stains, and a small electronic device for taking orders. “What’ll ya have?” Her voice was grainy, and sounded like something was stuck in her throat.
Mr. Popular asked for a cup of soycaf, a bagel, and glanced at Entertainment when he had finished. “We’re all out of bagels, how about a muffin, sir?” The woman’s voice grated on Mr. Popular and he gave her a nod although he was irritated by her.
Entertainment gave Mr. Popular a grin, in her satisfaction, and asked for a simple sandwich and a bottle of water. The woman gave her a polite smile, finished entering their orders into her device, and walked back to the hidden hole she had emerged from.
They were surprised at how dead the Shack was, it wasn’t very big, but usually they were full of in and out traffic. Besides the two of them, the people outback, the waitress, and an ork couple shopping for groceries it was quiet.
The woman returned shortly with their orders. Entertainment gave Mr. Popular a quirked eyebrow as they got a closer view of the woman’s unkempt hygiene. She placed their orders in front of the other person, and walked off humming to herself. “Charming,” Mr. Popular said when she had vanished. Entertainment didn’t laugh, but gave him a grin in acknowledgement. 
 Entertainment was silently chewing her sandwich, and staring blankly at her bottle of water. Mr. Popular hadn’t noticed Entertainment instead he glanced around the business while politely chewing his muffin. Turning back to his cup of soycaf, Mr. Popular realized that Entertainment was deep in her thoughts. “Something on your mind?” His voice softer than usual startled Entertainment from her daze.
“Nah, just thinking about what lies ahead.” Entertainment said leaving it vague to disguise her real thoughts about the job ending and Falchion going on his way. It wasn’t something she hadn’t really thought about, but things seemed to ending. It was the nature of the business, and she guessed it was better than the alternative. Besides if she was lucky things would end well, and maybe they could continue working together.
“Yes, I have as well,” Mr. Popular had finished chewing a small bite of his muffin and held the plain white cup in front of his lips. “I think a more direct approach, would be better than last time.” He gave the cup a cooling blow, and looked to Entertainment. She was still in and out of thought, and when he didn’t say anything for a minute she glanced up.
     “Yeah, about that, I think we should wait for another thirty minutes before calling them and then head to Mickey’s.” Entertainment looked seriously at Mr. Popular.
     “Are you joking?” Mr. Popular couldn’t believe her suggestion. Skipping the second investigation, would be skipping their responsibility to the team and a possible chance of redemption.
     “No, I’m not,” she paused to give him a quick glare and continued, “The thing is, is that it feels like we’re just being brushed out of the way. While these names might lead us to more information, I’m not sure it would be anything more than Betty can find out. I just don’t think either name is going to lead us to anything.”
Entertainment finished, too realize the waitress was almost to their table. She had all but finished her sandwich, and took the momentary pause to act. “Make sure to give her a big tip, hon. I’ve got to go to the bathroom before we go, I’ll meet you outside.” Entertainment gave Mr. Popular a big smile as she rose and quickly headed to the restroom. Leaving the table she thought she could hear Mr. Popular grumbling under his breath.
     Mr. Popular hadn’t been totally unprepared for Entertainment to do something like this and begrudgingly took out one of the few certified credsticks he had left. Slotting it into the waitress’ credreader he filled out the transaction after a quick verification he returned the small pen-like tube to his breast pocket.
Taking a last few sips on his coffee, Mr. Popular stood and straightened his jacket. After he had finished doing a quick grooming job on himself, he exited the restaurant and leaned against the wall. It was an epitome of Japanese cool, sophistication, and professionalism, but somehow he was stuck with this gaijin. Readjusting the sunglasses on his face Entertainment came out of the front door of the Stuffer Shack.
“You know I half expected you to come out of the alleyway gaijin.” Mr. Popular didn’t feel like mincing words anymore with Entertainment.
“I thought about it, but thought it’d be better to make you wait. Besides I wouldn’t get to take as much satisfaction out of that, when I’m crawling through a window in a dress.” Entertainment disliked being called a gaijin, but knew she could handle it coming from a punk like Mr. Popular.
Mr. Popular irritated, clenched his jaw to continue talking, “Let’s just make the call, and head over to Mickey’s.” He didn’t want to give her anymore gratification and felt bad enough agreeing to her plan. He just didn’t want to spend anymore “quality” time with her.
Entertainment grinned, she knew she had the situation under her control and was going to have a laugh. “I will, but first I want to do some light shopping. Then I’ll make the call.”

They walked by a clothing store as if on cue, and Entertainment used it to her full advantage. “Oh, I’ve been wanting to come here, let’s go inside and see if I can find anything!” She exclaimed in mock enthusiasm. In reality Entertainment liked shopping, but not to the degree she was exercising. It was all for the benefit of Mr. Popular.

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