Saturday, October 19, 2013

The Arcnilium


I'm jumping the gun a little, but I want to generate solid interest. So here's a very tiny preview of my upcoming story Arcnilium. This story has gone through several revisions and has been with me since many years ago. It has had at least two major contributors, but both have come and gone. With this in mind I try to give the up most respect to their contributions while keeping in line with the theme of my story. For now please enjoy this short bio of one of the main characters.

Aryngoz -
Born beyond a calculable measure of time as the human mind understands it. Aryngoz is an angel. Servant to the mighty g.o.d., and premier member of the archangel class in the celestial military. While some might rank the archangels below seraphims, Aryngoz deserves special recognition throughout g.o.d.'s hallowed halls, and there are few who would question his ranking. He is a grizzled war veteran, elite fighter, and solid tactician. Those that follow Aryngoz often rank him above, despite the connotation (and treasonous statement), g.o.d. in who they believe to the most influential being in their lives and show a deep seeded loyalty that borders on fanaticism.
It could be partly because of this loyalty, his "age" (consider to be an elder statesman), and some light mistakes/losses that he has been promoted to Fleet Command Overseer. A position of high respect, but of little responsibility. He is now nothing more than a glorified Drill Sargent. He gets to train new recruits, but barely has any time to connect with the cadets. Aryngoz knows what it means, but accepts the position with the highest responsibility. He is the consummate soldier even if some of his followers would like to take his status further.
With the a near millennium of peace, and several millinnia since the Ancient War, the g.o.d. command have restricted and reduced military power, especially with influential and powerful angels like Aryngoz still around. Despite the threat the dark ones still pose, they'd rather weaken their strength than risk another war among themselves.

For Aryngoz more worrisome than the politics of the Celestial Command, it is the humans. In their short time of being in existence. They have somehow obtained a piece of celestial technology and have begun experimenting. This has attracted the attention of the dark ones. If the two forces are able to join together, it could be troublesome especially with the reduced military force. The humans alone could not withstand, even with their new found technology, even a fraction of the military's force. Some believe it is cute to watch the humans flail around, stating they'll never truly figure out its power and purpose, but to Aryngoz it is a dangerous and serious threat. Voiced his concerns has given way to a reprimand and chiding. To many outspoken thoughts and he may be given the ultimate promotion/demotion and be sent to serve on Earth.

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