Some new photos for you to enjoy!
Huzzah, hoorah, and yippay!
I cherish the thought of being warm at night, thank you.
So if you're ever wondering what it is like.
Just step outside when it is -20 degrees and the wind bites at your nose.
Then remember how thankful you are for those walls.
No matter how thin, or flimsy they may appear.
They're better than nothing.
If you have heat, double count your stars.
For those that don't, and those that do.
We're in this together.
So let's take a treat and share that compassion with one another.
Or you may see the reflection staring back at you.
Or you may lose your way.
So let's rejoice.
For the things we have.
The things we want.
And the people we love.
It's a new year.
What are you doing to celebrate your life?
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