Saturday, July 13, 2013

Mid year Review


It's really easy to spend money.
And even easier in Japan.
I think partially because it's in a different currency, but also because the denominations are different and higher amounts are in coin form. It doesn't feel as if you are spending money.

Rain season isn't very much fun. Today was nice, but I had to work. It rained for seven days, SEVEN DAYS. The forecast is set to rain for the next few days as well. It was nice to get a run in today.

Speaking of running, I've been keeping track of my overall mileage since December/January, and I'm nearing the 1000 mile mark. I'm very excited about this. It could be much higher, but it's still a solid milestone for me and I am happy with it. In addition since January/February I've dropped around 7% body fat. I'm still about 5% off of where I want to be, but again another solid milestone and it really comes down to "inch-pebbles". So in addition with me achieving 102 kg on the bench press. This has been quite the progressive year. Wowzers, the little things we can accomplish. Thank you.

Now if I could accomplish that second novel while getting these physical goals, and living my life here in the Mighty state of GOJIRA! How far I've come, and how far I've still to go. "Our deepest fear isn't that we are inadequate, our deepest fear is that we're powerful beyond measure..." I really like this above quote, and thought I would put it with Charlie's speech. Much love all.

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