I'm back South. I'm back moving. I'm back to the goal that has seemingly alluded me for all time. Or likely, only fourteen to sixteen years. It is such a simple thing, but a very challenging thing. My time is here, since I am learning a rather vast lesson in patience. Good thing it is one of the seven godly virtues, and it is definitely apart of learning the Universe booming wisdom.
Pictures and a wonderful story shall be adorning these walls over the next few days/week. This is the beginning thought that joined me throughout most of my journey. In a day of mass introspection, retrospection, and many other kinds of spection I have grown. I feel closer, yet further removed from my brothers, my sisters, and my other family members the World over. What a wonderful and blessed place I live within, yet so much sadness. I swear if I believed some of the things I've seen. I would know the people who believe socialism (in any form) is ok, and any form of Communism, are the devil and without hesitation coming to maim, murder, and destroy all that is good and wholesome.
Also President Obama, is not, and I repeat, not, a socialist, communist, or otherwise. He is a moderate "conservative", and is working to spend less money than the recent conservative political leaders. I'm no fan of the man, but I give him credit for trying to give the United States health care (and ended up giving us a quagmire of fail, more than not. Sorry.), but come on, health care is a human right. It is a basic human need! Don't give me this pull yourself up by your boot straps, yes there are some valid points to be made within that mindset, but it is not the end all be all. It's ok to help people, to give, in fact this time of year is dedicated to giving. That's so weird. Teach them to fish, but also don't hoard your worldly possessions and give to your fellow. Isn't that the lesson? Meh whatever, I'm probably naive and incorrect, but then don't celebrate this time of year. Let the "war on Christmas" have it's inevitable conclusion and the godless heathens that "threaten" your holiday will stop threatening it, and it will continue on, like it has, for the past several centuries.
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