Monday, March 26, 2012


Not too sure about this new Michael Bay fad, but "no sweat off my sack". On to bigger and better things! Case in point:

Every time I look forward I find myself looking to the past, but I am now working to my present.
Verification may be required to move ahead, but I find no worry in this gesture.
About equal distribution in my current state of mind; I find no presence quarrelsome.
Given what I know about Life, the Universe, and the in-between this should not come as a surprise.
Really can I question what I know? Will it do any good?
"Is this how we say goodbye?" No, but we can and it will move on. As we all do to this new frontier.
Futuristic realities will hang around in the backdrops of our minds to give pause of what the future brings.
Frankly, I don't give a care. As those who do and those who say, it is not fear.
Instantly move ahead to realize your gift. You are here.
Neither of these things will move us into position. The position of grace, I am given celestially.

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