There seems to be a popular discourse in the United States against Social Assistance. To me this is mind boggling because it's a basic need of helping people. I feel in some regards that the Occupy movement is a slap in the face to most of the rest of the World. I am glad that there seems to be some major Global Support (please come to show solidarity, Mr. Lech Walsea of Poland). With the standard of living so high in the United States it does feel like a possible whining, but some of these problems extend beyond the States border, and I don't understand what the issue with helping folks really seems to be? Many countries in the world have "Socialized" programs that assist their people. Sure the U.S. has medicaid, medicare, and plenty of social programs to benefit people in need, but how do we not have education and health care? We also have people who are starving in this great nation of ours. But I digress...
We jump at the chance to help people in times of crisis (ie - Hurricanes generally solicit this type of reaction), how is/are people being undereducated, not having clean water, limited or no access to real food (or any food), and not having access to medicines (or any real preventative medical/health care) not considered a crisis? How is the fact that an estimated 80% of the people in the world live in some form of poverty with roughly 1/6 of the world living in absolute poverty not considered a crisis worthy of assistance?
This may be difficult to swallow for some, but this is a global community. Canada and Mexico, you are my neighbors, but people of Japan, Iran, Turkey, Ireland, Libya, Congo you are my brothers and sisters*. The longer we continue pretending it isn't, or that there has to be a number one country, the longer we go without addressing these very serious problems and the longer we continue killing the absolute shit out of each other. I say fuck that, let's Occupy.
*Note- My International Brothers and Sisters also extend to many other countries like Sweden, Denmark, Thailand, South Korea, England, Italy, Colombia, Russia, and pretty much every other country on the map. Except maybe Antarctica, fuck those guys with their never ending tuxedos and happy feet, although they do have Orcas...but no fuck those guys!
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