There shall be a connection.
A connection so deep it cannot be broken no matter the trial.
I cannot express the uniqueness of individuality.
There is no path, for you are the drummer, and have yet to blaze it.
There is tension in your mind.
A symptom of our world, a world of suffering, let us all take it in stride and with a smile on our faces.
Exercise is not just a word.
Physical activity is the world, and we should all strive for our best.
Games are not just recreation.
They fill us with child like wonder and joy, and help us relax, by escaping to new worlds.
Sex is a part of life.
Sexual intimacy is a part of what it means to be human, embrace it healthily and fully.
Perfection is in imperfection.
Enjoy the fullness of life in all its broken glory.
People are the spice of life.
Without them there would be no world to enjoy, no matter what they may say or do.
Titles are frivolous.
Although some titles help us identify our perceptions.
This is my adventure.
Perhaps we can combine ours, and create a super adventure?