A few countries from the top half of the World have taken a look, but how can I reach the rest of the World (besides donating high speed internet with the sole purpose of getting to look at this BLOG)? Maybe posting a picture and some thoughts from every country would assist in this matter?
I find this to be a fairly nifty statistic, keeping track of global participation instead of solely anonymous numbers that represent people. This way, at least there is a Country that represents a person(s).
Estimate: Sometime in 2016, the United States economy will be surpassed as the "largest economy in the World". Being replaced by China (<---kudos to them) at the top. Can anyone else verify the validity of such a statement (or that they have at least heard/read this estimation)?
In other statistics: 50% of you use Firefox with Mobile and Opera both tying for 1%, and 87% use Windows versus the 1% that came from an Ipod.