Thursday, October 27, 2011

Tuesday, October 25, 2011


I've never understood how you can claim to follow a Religion, and use violence to any means to an end. I honestly cannot think of a nation or a religion that is without fault. Please excuse my Judeo-Christian societal upbringing, but "go ahead and cast that stone, as long as you are without evil/sin/wrongdoing/judgment". Yeah I paraphrased, but my point is what religion emphasizes violence?
And please don't give me Islam, it comes out of the same tradition as Judaism and Christianity. The majority of religions are founded out of a kindness and love for the fellow neighbor/person/entity. Let's look at some basic human needs: love, food, water, physical activity, medical care, education, and (I'll add) community (even though this can be covered under love).
Despite my aspirations of becoming Ulmighty Leader of the United Communities of the World (or, I guess, President of the United States of America), the more I go along. The more I find that we will not find our solace, our true cares and desires, in the political leaders that we assign this imaginary power over ourselves. We have our disagreements, but we can get together for community, for music, for love, for food (water), and for our survival.
Because I don't know.
Will I ever know, this love.
It might attract something.

Will it grow, dunno.
Emotion wells up, a gleam.
A sparkle, dunno.

So she speaks to me.
Can I listen, can I know?
I do not know how.

I do not know why.
No one told you/me, why/how.
Where can we go, here?

Sunday, October 23, 2011


I really do not have words to express my feelings for Turkey. We are a World Community and I only hope the best for Turkey after that 7.2, please get healthy and return to us my brothers and sisters.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Latvia Love

Exchange rate for today: 1 US Dollar is equal to 0.511 Latvian Lats. In other words Latvians (sp?) come to America! Your money is worth almost two U.S. Dollars! You win the exchange rate prize: #1. I say kudos!

Friday, October 14, 2011

Perplexing mist

Aptly named is the fog that descends on us all. We cannot see the end from the start, or any direction in between. I find myself caught in a spell. A mind numbing confusion, as if an insidious plot were hatched from behind a snow globe. A subversive spell filled with poppies. I reach out to you, because honestly I haven't a clue.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

One thousand

A dragon brother.
Another brother.
These are my family.
The ties that bind.
I will be around, if you need me, you just have to keep smiling. If we lose our smiles, we'll lose our game, and then the spiral will come.
I will not weep, because it is already done. Slithering back into my hole. I sleep so deeply that the World wonders where I've gone. It's so far gone I will find you in my dreams. As pieces of the mosaic come together. Each new piece giving me a better glimpse at the whole picture.
Is it loud?
I cannot hear you.
So blind is our bliss and contentment.
Who are you?

Monday, October 3, 2011

3 * 3 * 3 equality?

Noticing that it is now October, how far have we come? We come back to the same place we began, yet completely new, frightened, and unaware of my own facilities.
I strive to beat the winter, but "Winter is coming". It could be today, and it could be tomorrow. Why fret and worry? When there is little control, but every whim available. Why does it even matter? At this point, in this stage of the "game". Will anyone truly remember?

I will, but, then I won't.


A black and white world that is gray, but not quite grey.
A chameleon that blends in to its surroundings, but displays a full plumage.

I am the rocket.
I am the star.
I will burn up in the atmosphere.
I am the undying passion.

You are the Void.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

On a suggestion

In regards to the supposed "grey-hair brigade" email I received from my grandmother and on a suggestion from my uncle:

I wonder who this author is going to offer up as a "take back the nation" candidate? Someone who will slash social program funding and increase military spending? Or someone who will also offer up our National Parks to polluting companies, and destructive recreational uses (it is in the name of Freedom after all). We don't need those natural wonders, we need resources, and we need them now. The best way to "peace" is through blowing people up too, and crushing them with an iron fist of military might so keep spending.
I am no fan of Obama, but this type of rhetoric sickens me. The candidates that are running for president are no better, and if anything may be worse. What we have now is not a socialist state, I hate to break it to people, we don't even have a socialist democracy. We are a Republic focused on Capitalism as the end all goal (yes we have social programs that promote the "lower class", but we also have huge amounts of upper class welfare). Believe it or not, Obama is a part of that force. It baffles me that "socialist" programs work (extremely successfully in other countries side by side with (get this!) capitalism (gasp). There are very few politicians I will actually cheer for or marginally back up, I see a continuing failing of our government as a combination of the fallacies of the perceived political realm and our apathy and contentment with excessive material goods. Work to get the things you want, but to maintain them you have to work more (an endless cycle). 
We are a wonderful nation of individuals, creative thinkers, and "freedom" loving people. We also have our downsides. Just like everywhere else, but we are one of the brightest examples of unity (and one of the worst) and success. There is no shame in modeling ourselves into new ways. Ways that work with other people (say like the Nordic countries?), or working with other nations who are rapidly joining the powerful international scene (say like China?) and not fearing them.
We live on this planet together. We may be the "greatest country" on this planet, but we share this space with billions more. I remember a song that I think is more than appropriate for ourselves and the world. Granted it might be a little childish, but it can't be anymore childish than the bickering I see on television between so called "Conservatives" and "Liberals" (don't make me laugh you wolves in sheep's clothing). Co-operation what shall we do? Co-operation I'll work with you.
I apologize for the long winded email, but seriously, this type of rhetoric just annoys me. My generation is to blame? Us young whipper snappers? Who voted Nixon in? Who voted Reagan in? Who voted Carter? Clinton? Bush 1 or 2? I know we're crazy kids with our xboxes, long hair, and rocknroll music, but really I think we're all to blame. Maybe we all need to go back to kindergarten.